


Buildings, Technology, 和 学者/Athletics IV (BTA四世) Capital Levy

征收数额: $475.300万年
批准:  February 2016 by 72% of ballots cast by Seattle voters
替换: Buildings, Technology, 和 学者 III (BTA III) Capital Levy
利维收集: 2017-2022

的 BTA四世 Capital Levy supports the district’s long-range plans to upgrade 和 renovate aging school facilities 和 address enrollment growth. 这些征费基金:

  • 升级并重新开放三栋校舍, 再加上第四所学校, to address capacity needs created by growing enrollment.
  • Support building projects including renovations, 主要维护, 健康和安全改善.
  • Provide classroom technology equipment 和 instructional support to enhance student learning.
  • Provide for academics projects to meet the educational requirements 和 needs of students.
  • 改善运动场地.


的 Buildings component includes projects to provide more capacity to address student enrollment growth, 提供安全和安保方面的改进, 和 maintain physical integrity of school buildings.


改进地震安全措施: 巴格利小学和林肯高中.

Part of the remodel costs for 巴格利 和 林肯 are included in the Building Excellence IV (BEX IV) Capital Levy. BTA四世 provides supplemental funds over several categories to exp和 the scope of the renovations.

灭火/洒水装置: 巴格利小学, North 安妮女王 School, 和 林肯高中.

火灾报警系统改进: 巴格利小学, John 缪尔小学, 小气鬼 中学, 和 林肯高中.

集成安全摄像头: 地区

Security Improvements, door 和 window alarms 迪尔伯恩公园国际小学, 缪尔小学, 虎鲸K-8在惠特沃斯, 明黑中学, 和雷尼尔海滩高中.

对讲系统更换: 巴格利小学, 缪尔小学, 小气鬼 中学, 和 林肯高中

Roof Replacement/Seismic Diaphragm Upgrades : Replace all or portions of roofs 和 make roof improvements that improve earthquake safety: 巴拉德 高中, 迪尔伯恩公园国际小学, 加菲尔德高中, 英格拉姆高中, 林肯高中, 西西雅图高中.

外部装修/改进: Replace exterior windows at three buildings, 更换10个建筑物的外门, 和 upgrade exterior walls at four buildings.

  • 窗口: 巴格利小学, 富兰克林高中, 和 North 安妮女王 School
  • 门: 巴格利小学, 富兰克林高中, 加菲尔德高中, 格雷厄姆希尔小学, 林肯高中, 洛厄尔小学, 虎鲸K-8在惠特沃斯, 安妮女王小学, Sanislo小学, 和韦奇伍德小学
  • 外观: 巴拉德 高中, Eckstein 中学, 富兰克林高中, 和 Gatewood主持 小学

Heating, Ventillation, 和 Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems: 巴格利小学, Gatewood主持 小学, 和 林肯高中

电气改进: 巴格利小学, 富兰克林高中, 林肯高中, 和 North 安妮女王 School

管道的改进: 巴格利小学和林肯高中

地区支援计划: Routine replacement of equipment for food service, 餐厅, 维护, 理由, 和安全, 和 the planning 和 election costs for the BEX V Capital Levy in 2019.

房地产收购: Budgeted funds to acquire additional property to meet future capacity 和 other needs if appropriate opportunities come on the market. Having this budget reduces the lead time for the district to acquire property, 和 it reduces the need to take on additional debt to finance property purchases.

主要预防性维护: Continue preventive 维护 program with predictable painting schedules, 和 predictable inspection 和 servicing of building systems.


Capital 和 Technology Financing Obligations Principal Payments

科技- $104.700万年

Making strategic investments in technology supports learning 和 teaching in the classroom; delivers services to students, 老师, 工作人员, 和 families; 和 improves efficiencies in business processes. Categories of BTA四世 technology funding include: student learning, 教学支持和交付, 人身安全与保障, 信息/数据安全和隐私, 学校和教学支持, 沟通透明度和外联.


特殊教育计划修订 : Make building modifications to support better delivery of special education services closer to home: 地区

毕业要求 : Add science 和 computer labs at high schools 根据需要 to support new state graduation requirements: High schools

学生评估系统许可证 : Maintain licenses to use student assessment systems that provide information on student progress 和 support 老师 in differentiating instruction for each student: 地区

项目位置 : Support changes to buildings 和 portables to meet changing needs in placement of programs around the district, 和 pay for capital-eligible new program 和 curriculum materials: 地区

Athletics Fields Improvements 和 Exterior 照明: Upgrade athletic fields at seven locations, install energy-efficient lighting at two fields, 保持除颤器.

  • 字段: 简·亚当斯中学, 西思酋长高中, 鹰杖中学, 加菲尔德高中, 黑尔高中, 英格拉姆高中, 和 下伍德兰公园*
  • 照明: 老鹰教工中学和 下林地公园*
  • 除颤器电池更换: 根据需要

*Lower Woodl和 improvements were in partnership with Seattle Parks 和 Recreation 和 have been cancelled. Funding will be reprogrammed to other capital projects.


的  BEX/BTA Capital Programs 监督 Committee is a citizen oversight committee required by the School Board. 的 committee assures that the BEX 和 BTA programs support academic achievement in the schools, 还有项目收入, 支出, 和 planning for future BEX 和 BTA levies or bonds.

More information about the 监督 Committee
