
3225 校本Threat Assessment

The Seattle 十大赌博正规平台在线 is committed to creating healthy, 支持, and culturally responsive environments from the classroom to the central office. 该政策建立了一个以学校为基础的威胁评估计划,以提供及时和系统的以学校为基础的威胁评估和管理. “School-based threat assessment” means the formal process, 由地区设立, of evaluating the threatening, 或者潜在的威胁, 学生的行为, and the circumstances surrounding the threat, to uncover any facts or evidence that the threat is likely to be carried out.

以学校为基础的威胁评估项目将得到地区一级威胁评估人员的支持,包括以学校为基础的威胁评估过程,以及以学校为基础的团队为管理或减少威胁而制定的计划的管理, 或者潜在的威胁, 学生的行为.

一个安全和健康的学校氛围对于促进每一个学生的归属感和支持卓越是很重要的. Threat assessment best occurs in 学校 climates that rely on trusting relationships between family, 学生, 和工作人员, which are built with cultural humility, 安全, 尊重, 诚实, 问责制, and with an eye towards equity. 学生的行为, rather than a 学生’s demographic or personal characteristics, will serve as the basis for a 学校-based threat assessment. In addition, an equity lens will be applied to each 学校-based threat assessment. The lens also identifies concerns for bias that may lead to overreaction or unnecessary discipline. The threat assessment process is distinct from 学生 discipline. 该地区正在进行威胁评估这一事实本身并不意味着有必要暂停或驱逐, and the district will not impose 悬架 or expulsion, 包括紧急清除, 仅仅 for investigating 学生 behavior or conducting a threat assessment. 进一步, 悬架, 或者以其他方式离开学校环境可能会引发立即或延迟的暴力行为反应, unless such actions are coupled with containment and support. 然而, 本政策中没有任何规定妨碍地区工作人员立即采取行动应对迫在眉睫的威胁, including an emergency removal, 如果学区有充分的理由相信该学生的存在对其他学生构成了直接和持续的危险

或学校工作人员,或对教育过程造成物质和实质性破坏的直接和持续威胁. If a disciplinary response is imposed, 该学区将遵守《十大正规网赌软件》和《十大正规网赌软件基本规则》文件中规定的所有条件和限制, 其中包括, 但不限于, parent/guardian notification and disciplinary grievance and appeal rights.

的结构 以学校为基础的 威胁评估小组

The Superintendent shall establish and ensure the training of a multidisciplinary, multiagency threat assessment t像她们 or more than one such t像她们 to serve district 学校s. As the threat assessment t像她们 must be multidisciplinary and multiagency, and must have received training to address implicit bias and challenge systemic racism, 它可能包括与学生有关系或有知识和/或相关专业知识的人, 如:

  • School leadership, such as a principal or other 学校领导
  • District threat assessment t像她们 member
  • Counseling, such as a 学校 辅导员, a 学校 psychologist and/or 学校 social worker
  • 社区资源
  • 特殊教育教师
  • Practicing educational 工作人员 member
  • 其他 district or 学校 工作人员

Not every multidisciplinary t像她们 member need participate in every threat assessment. When faced with a potential threat by, 或者指向, a 学生 receiving special education services, the threat assessment t像她们 must include a t像她们 member who is a special education teacher.

虽然父母, 监护人, or family members are often interviewed as part of the threat assessment process, neither the 学生 nor the 学生’s family members are part of the threat assessment t像她们. 这并不影响学区的承诺,即学校工作人员将尽一切合理的努力通知家长/监护人所称的威胁,并让家长/监护人和学生参与解决学生的违规行为, 一致的 with 董事会的政策 No. 3240, Student Behavior and Disciplinary Responses, and the 十大正规网赌软件’ Student Rights and Responsibilities document.

Function of 校本Threat Assessment T像她们

Each threat assessment t像她们 member, 是否一个老师, 辅导员, 学校领导, 其他教职员, 承包商, 顾问, 志愿者, 或者其他个人, 在学区控制和维护的教育记录中担任“具有合法教育利益的学校官员”. 学区根据《十大赌博正规平台在线》(FERPA)的规定,为威胁评估小组提供访问教育记录的权限。. 威胁评估小组成员不得使用超出威胁评估小组规定目的的任何学生记录,不得重新披露作为威胁评估小组成员获得的记录, except as permitted by FERPA.


  • Identifies and assesses the 学生的行为 that is threatening, 或者潜在的威胁, 自我, 其他学生, 工作人员, 学校的游客, 或者学校财产. 如果有自残或自杀的威胁,而没有对他人造成伤害的威胁,应根据董事会的政策号及时进行评估. 2145,预防自杀;
  • 收集并分析有关学生行为的信息,以确定对威胁的关注程度. The threat assessment t像她们 may conduct interviews of the person(s) who reported the threat, the recipient(s) or target(s) of the threat, other witnesses who have knowledge of the threat, 在合理的情况下, the individual(s) who allegedly engaged in the threatening behavior or communication. 访谈的目的是评估个人在环境中的威胁,以确定威胁的含义和个人的意图. The threat assessment t像她们 may request and obtain records in the district’s possession, 包括学生教育, 健康记录, and criminal history record information. The purpose of obtaining information is to evaluate situational variables, rather than the 学生’s demographic or personal characteristics;
  • 决定了性质, 持续时间, and level of severity of the risk and whether reasonable modifications of policies, 实践, or procedures will mitigate the risk. 威胁评估小组不会基于概括或刻板印象来确定威胁. 而, the threat assessment t像她们 makes an individualized assessment, based on reasonable judgment, best available objective evidence, or current medical evidence as applicable;
  • Makes notification of threats of violence or harm as required under 董事会的政策 No. 3143, 关于学生违法行为的通知和传播以及暴力或伤害威胁的通知;
  • Communicates lawfully and ethically with each other, 学校领导, and 其他教职员 who have a need to know particular information to
  • support the 安全 and well-being of the 学校, its 学生s, and its 工作人员; and
  • Reports its determination to the Superintendent or designee in a timely manner.
  • Depending on the level of concern determined, 威胁评估小组制定并实施支持和干预策略,以促进安全的方式塑造和改变学生的行为, 积极的, 一致的, and predictable teaching and learning environment, without excluding the 学生 from the 学校.
  • 如果学生的行为具有威胁性或潜在威胁性同时也有残疾, 威胁评估小组通过与学生的IEP小组或504计划小组协调,将支持和干预策略与学生的个性化教育计划(IEP)或1973年康复法案第504节制定的学生计划(第504计划)相一致. 尽管基于学校的威胁评估的一些功能可能与学生的IEP小组或504计划小组的功能并行, 学校-based threat assessments remain distinct from those t像她们s and 流程.
  • Data Collection, Review and Reporting
  • 主管应制定程序,收集和提交与学校威胁评估项目相关的数据,这些数据应符合OSPI的监测要求, 流程, 和指导方针.
  • 其他 t问的 校本Threat Assessment T像她们
  • 威胁评估小组还可以参与管理或减少威胁或潜在威胁行为并增加身心安全的其他任务. 这可能包括:
  • 为学生和教职员提供有关识别可能对学生构成威胁的行为的指导, 工作人员, 学校, 社区, 或者个人;
  • 为社区服务委员会或医疗保健提供者提供信息资源,以便进行医疗评估或治疗, 适当的;
  • 评估行为对学生或教职员工安全构成威胁的个人,并通知主管或该个人的指定人员.
