Seattle Public Schools


AP Exams Schedule and Registration

AP Courses for High School Students

The high school Advanced Placement program is a College Board program that allows high school students to access college-level curriculum. This curriculum assists and prepares students for their college or university coursework. 

A variety of Advanced Placement Courses are offered districtwide at SPS high schools. On the next page, you can find a list of the 2023-24 AP Courses offered at 11 comprehensive high schools. AP Course offerings change annually based on staffing and student enrollment.

Note: Chief Sealth and Ingraham high schools are International Baccalaureate (IB) schools, so they offer fewer AP Courses. 雷尼尔海滩高中也是一所国际文凭(IB)学校,不提供AP课程. Read more about IB. 

For more information on AP courses at Seattle Public Schools, please visit the Advanced Placement webpage.  

2023-24 AP Exam Schedule and Registration

Seattle Public Schools will administer AP exams during the weeks of May 6-10 and May 13-17, 2024.

SPS will administer late AP exams during the College Board’s late AP testing window of May 20-24, 2024. 这些考试只适用于已经报名参加考试,但由于健康原因或日程冲突而不能在常规考试窗口参加考试的SPS学生.

The district cannot accommodate any late AP testing requests after May 19th. 鼓励即将毕业的大四学生在5月19日之后直接与大学理事会合作,确定AP考试的替代方案. 如果其他学生不能在5月24日之前参加AP考试,我们鼓励他们考虑参加明年的AP考试, 2024.

Request Accommodations for AP Exams

To take an AP Exam with accommodations, 学生必须得到大学理事会残疾学生服务办公室(SSD)的批准. 每个学生必须与他们高中的AP或SSD协调员合作,以确保他们的住宿请求在大学理事会截止日期前准确提交 January 18, 2024. Please visit College Board’s website to learn more about the different ways to request accommodations for AP exams for your student.

Note that if a student has previously been approved for an accommodation for any of the other College Board exams (e.g. PSAT/SAT, CLEP, etc.), 然后学生自动获得所有AP考试的相同住宿资格,不需要进一步的行动.

If a student recently qualified for new accommodations, 申请必须由家庭或高中的SSD协调员提交给大学理事会 January 18, 2024.

For questions, please contact your high school’s AP Coordinator.

AP Exam Schedule, Registration, and Deadlines

2024年美国大学先修课程(AP)考试将于5月6日至10日和5月13日至17日两周内在学校进行纸笔考试, 2024.

*As usual, AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams are administered in schools on computers. There will be no other digital or at-home testing option available in 2024.

Please visit the College Board website for the May 2024 AP Exam Schedule.

AP Testing is highly encouraged, but not required. Per the College Board, AP courses offer the opportunity to study a subject in-depth at the college level. This better prepares students for college work. If the student receives a high enough score on an AP Exam, the student may be eligible for credit, advanced placement, or both at most colleges and universities in the United States.

AP Exam Registration and Fees

New for 2023-24

希望在高中参加AP考试的十大正规网赌软件(SPS)学生必须注册参加考试 district-wide AP Registration & Fees Payment Deadline of Monday, November 6, 2023.

The College Board has set the national deadline for ordering all AP exams by November 15, 2023. 为了让SPS AP协调员在这个国家截止日期前完成所有AP考试的订购过程, the district needs to finalize all registrations and fees from students by Monday, November 6, 2023. 延迟注册的唯一例外是来自另一个地区的新学生进入年中. 

参加了一年AP课程的学生,如果在周一之前没有报名参加考试,将不允许参加该AP课程的考试, November 6, 2023

在11月15日考试订单截止日期之前未支付(或未作出付款安排)的AP考试注册, 2023 will be cancelled and exams will not be ordered.

AP Exam Registration for SPS Students Enrolled in AP Classes

  • SPS students need to join their AP class section online.
  • Click on the Register button in the class section view in My AP after you join your class sections.
    • Clicking this button will let your coordinator know that you plan to take the exam, and they will order it for you.
    • If you don’t see that button, it means you’ve already been automatically registered for the exam.
  • Once you have selected to register for an exam, the date and time of your exam will appear in your course card in My AP. You can review the exam schedule 如果你对你计划参加的考试的开始时间有任何疑问,请与你的AP协调员交谈.
  • For students wishing to take an exam not offered at their high school, please send an inquiry to their AP Coordinator.
    • The AP District office will work with SPS partner high schools to register you for an exam, please check your email for additional details and forms.
    • If the exam subject is not being offered at the 16 SPS schools, the AP District Office will provide additional resources to register for the AP Exam.

Questions? Please contact your school’s AP Coordinator

AP Exam Ordering Deadline with Seattle Public Schools

November 6, 2023 (5:00 p.m. PT) 这是所有SPS学生注册第一学期AP考试和一年AP课程的最后订购截止日期.


  • No registrations will be allowed after November 6, 2023 for first semester and yearlong AP classes at SPS.
  • All unused or cancelled AP exams will incur a $40 fee per exam. (Note: this is a policy that the College Board is reinstating for 2023-24, not a Seattle Public Schools policy.) 

AP Exam Fees and Payment*

  • $118 per exam
  • 有资格获得2023-24学年考试费用减免或豁免的学生,每次考试20美元. 有资格获得免费或减免午餐的学生应与学校的AP协调员合作,以获得2023-24年的考试费用减免或豁免.
  • $166 per exam for AP Capstone (AP Seminar or AP Research)

*All payments made by credit card are subject to the following fees:

  • $1.95 per transaction for all transactions $15.00 to $49.99
  • 3.99% of the total invoice amount for all transactions greater than or equal to $50.00


If you have any questions, please contact your high school’s AP Coordinator.

有兴趣参加2023-24年AP考试的区外学生或在家上学的学生的家庭应该填写 AP Exam Request for Out-of-District Students. Upon receipts, the SPS Assessment and Instructional Improvement staff will contact you within three business days.

AP Exam Refund Policy


学生只能获得部分退款,因为大学理事会对11月15日之后考试订单的所有更改收取费用, 2023, 以及十大正规网赌软件为管理全区考试而收取的管理费.


家庭可以在2024年6月1日至6月25日之间获得退款,但每个学校的时间可能有所不同. 请注意,信用卡付款的退款处理最快,将在学校启动退款流程后1-3天内寄出. 任何用现金或支票支付的AP考试将需要额外几周的退款处理时间.

Please reach out to your high school’s AP Coordinator for questions regarding your refund.

Deadline to Make Changes to AP Exam Orders

The final national and SPS deadline to make any changes to existing AP exam orders is March 15, 2024, including cancelling AP exam orders.


At this point, 该地区的AP考试能力已满,无法再接受新的AP考试订单请求. Please contact The College Board for additional resources if you need support with your AP exam order at this point.

Registration and Payments After Deadline

Options for students who miss the SPS AP Exam Registration and Payment Deadline

Option 1 – If a student in 9th, 10th or 11th grade misses the AP Exam registration deadline, the student has the option to take the desired AP exam next year.  

Option 2 – The College Board has an Advanced Placement phone number for Students & Families that may be helpful.  他们通常能够给学生和家庭提供一个小地区或私立学校的最新名单,这些学校可能有能力提供晚注册. 

大学理事会AP学生和家庭帮助热线可通过电话888-225-5427和 AP Services for Students Contact Form.

AP Exams for AP Courses Not Taught in the Seattle Public Schools

This year, 十大正规网赌软件将不会为该地区的高中没有开设的AP课程提供AP考试. 这将确保所有学区的资源公平分配给参加AP考试的学生 AP course that is already offered in the district.


Option 1: Look at the College Board’s AP Ledger, which provides a list of AP courses offered by school nationwide. 搜索附近提供你感兴趣的AP课程的学校,并直接联系他们的AP协调员,以帮助注册下一步.

Option 2: Explore alternate exam options with the College Board’s College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). According to the College Board website, “CLEP offers 34 exams that cover introductory level college course material. With a passing score on one CLEP exam, you could earn three or more college credits at 2,900 U.S. colleges and universities.” Search for a local CLEP test center and register for an available exam in the upcoming school year.  

Option 3: Considering enrolling in a dual-credit course through College in the High School or Running Start courses offered in the district to receive college credit upon course completion. Students should contact their high school counselor for more information about these options.