



职业与技术教育 offers students the chance to explore course work and plan for life after graduation in the pathways listed below. A “pathway” is a series of learning opportunities within a field that students and families can use to explore and prepare for life after high school. In addition to taking rigorous courses in the pathways below, students have the opportunity to participate in leadership opportunities, 获得大学双学分, and earn certificates and credentials that give them a strong sense of what it would be like to enter a job in the pathway they are exploring after high school.

SPS student earning scholarship with CTE teacher and Superintendent Brent Jones

在典型的上学日之外, teachers and Career Connected Learning Coordinators connect students with internships, 现场参观, job shadows, 人才招聘会往往会, field trips, and much, much more.

Learn more about our nine pathways in the dynamic and growing fields below. Click the button at the bottom of each section to learn more! 还有问题吗?? 您可以通过以下方式与我们联系 cte@salamzone.com.

Agriculture classes ground students in the essential elements of life: food, water, land, and air. Students who pursue this pathway are interested in understanding how to preserve our environment, 为社区提供食物和水, 减轻气候变化的影响.


In agriculture classes, students run experiments, cultivate plants and spend time in the greenhouse. Examples of careers in this pathway include environmental engineering, forestry, 农作物种植者和管理者. 

Students have the opportunity to earn dual credit with Seattle Colleges in Agriculture classes.

商业及市场推广 classes prepare students for further education and employment in a critical sector that employs millions of people and keeps our economy running. Students in business and marketing classes combine math, economics, and psychology concepts. Examples of careers in this pathway include entrepreneurs, 财务顾问, 创意总监, 和会计师. 


Students have the opportunity to earn dual credit with North Seattle College and Seattle CEntral College in Accounting, 商业及财务管理, 综合管理, 市场营销和创业. Students may also earn their WA State Food Worker Card and Adobe InDesign.

烹饪与招待 classes educate students in the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and hospitality service organizations. Students acquire knowledge and skills focusing on communication, 时间管理, 以及符合行业标准的客户服务. Examples of careers in this pathway include restaurant management, catering, 食品摄影, 糕点师.  

Students can earn their WA State Food Worker Card when they enroll in classes along this pathway.

教育及公共服务 classes prepares students for employment in careers related to Early Childhood Development and Services, 教育产业, 家庭及社区服务, Personal Care Services and careers that relate to families and human needs. 这方面的职业包括社会工作者, 心理学家, 照顾孩子的提供者, counselor, or educator. 

High school students leading a lesson at an elementary school

通过参加这方面的课程, 学生可以获得急救/心肺复苏术证书, WA State Food Worker Card as well as dual college credit with Seattle Colleges.

健康和医学课程使用应用数学, biology, anatomy, and chemistry to prepare students for employment and post-secondary educational opportunities in the health care industry. 学生接受实习, 课堂上的技术指导, 实验室体验式教育, 临床的设置, 以及专业和领导技能的发展. Examples of careers in this pathway include dental hygienists, doctors, 外科技术人员, 放射治疗师.  

Students can earn credentials including 急救和心肺复苏术 certification, and dual college credit by completing classes in this pathway.

信息技术 classes teach students the basics of computer science, 包括发展, support, 软件管理, hardware, 以及系统集成服务. 信息技术 is a growing pathway that leads to careers in every sector of the economy such as programmers, 游戏设计者, 软件工程师.  


在这个路径中, students can earn certificates including Unity Certified User and dual college credit.

Media Arts courses instruct students in digital arts and interactive media. Students apply artistic talent to practical problems and learn visual arts principles that prepare them with skills and techniques to work in any number of creative design and entertainment fields. Examples of careers in this pathway include graphic designers, publishers, 音视频技术人员, 广播播音员和摄影师. 


通过完成这方面的课程, students can earn credentials including Adobe Premier Certification, Marketron流量认证, Zetta自动化认证, GSelector Music Scheduling Certification and Adobe Suite Certification. There are also dual credit opportunities in various classes.

技术行业课程是关于在设计中使用技能, planning and management to work in careers building and maintaining structures such as buildings, homes, bridges, 或机械. These courses emphasize hands-on instruction, problem-solving skills, and creative thinking. 这方面的职业包括木匠, 电工, plumbers, woodworkers, welders, 汽车技师和剧院设计师. 

Student holding wrench working on car in automotive class

Students can earn a variety of credentials including OSHA 10, 急救和心肺复苏术, 旗杆和叉车培训, 新的学徒前认证, S / P2汽车, 硬草帽认证, 后台考试以及大学双学分.

Students conducting experiment using micro bit outside of school

STEM课程为创新提供了机会, science- and data-loving minds to solve complex problems for a wide variety of products and industries. STEM工人受雇于不同的行业, 比如医疗保健, 制造业, 电信, 建设, 和农业. Examples of careers include robotics, aerospace, mechanical and electrical engineers.  

Students can 获得大学双学分 for completing select classes in this pathway.