



当志愿者承诺在十大正规网赌软件时, 学生取得更高的成绩, 有更多的机会吗, 并获得社区联系,帮助他们茁壮成长.

  • 研究表明,接受志愿者导师直接支持的学生成绩更高, 考试成绩, 也更有可能毕业.
  • 当志愿者为员工提供文书支持时, educators have more time for instruction and individualized support for students.
  • 志愿者使帮助低收入学生的项目成为可能:星期五的食物背包防止周末的饥饿, 学校供应活动, etc.
  • Schools with large numbers of volunteers offer students more learning experiences through clubs, 实地考察旅行, enrichment.


在sps范围内,学校得到了大量的志愿者支持,有超过20,000人可以提供帮助. 不幸的是, some schools receive hundreds of volunteer applications, 而其他人只收到很少的.

Bar chart showing four bars, each representing a grouping of SPS schools by their Equity Tier. The higher the tier, the higher the volunteer to student ratio.
On average, the Volunteer to Student ratio is 1:7 in Equity Tier 1 schools and 1:3 in Equity Tier 4 schools.


  • 小学: Broadview-Thomson (PK-8), Concord, Dunlap, Emerson, Gatzert, 格雷厄姆·希尔, Muir, Lowell, 马丁·路德·金., 奥林匹克山, 冉冉升起的新星, 南岸(PK-8), 西西雅图, Wing Luke
  • Middle: 阿基Kurose, Broadview-Thomson (PK-8), Denny, Meany, Mercer, 西雅图世界学校, 南岸(PK-8), Washington
  • High: 首席Sealth, Cleveland, Franklin, Garfield, Ingraham, 内森黑尔, 雷尼尔山海滩, 西雅图世界学校


Volunteer where the need and opportunity for impact are the greatest

帮助学生更接近学业目标, 感到被支持和更有信心来到学校. 志愿者1.每周5-2小时,以表达您对学校的支持!

  • If tutoring is not for you, how about organizing books or instructional materials?
  • Want to make sure students don’t go hungry over the weekend? 周五帮忙往背包里装食物. 

For lasting impact and the most rewarding volunteer experience, make a 3-month commitment to one classroom or program. This is a big ask, as are volunteer needs in Equity Tier 1-2 classrooms. 定期去同一所学校上课, 你要让学生们知道,他们的成功对你很重要,社区也支持他们的学校. You also develop rapport and trust while learning how to support your scholars best. Your volunteer support can make a big impact on their lives! 

地区战略计划“西雅图卓越”,” SPS volunteer initiatives support students furthest away from educational justice. Volunteers directly support two areas of focus under the Instruction and Learning plan:

  • students read at grade level by the end of third grade,
  • 学生们达到了七年级的数学水平目标,
  • 学生在学校感到受欢迎和安全.

Help Seattle Students: Volunteer with Youth Tutoring Program

青少年辅导计划需要志愿者辅导, guide, and inspire Seattle students by helping them achieve academic and personal success.

Five 冉冉升起的新星 students sit together and smile for a photo


To improve volunteer services and increase volunteers in schools, staff have sought the voice of students to provide input on volunteer supports.





在2020/21学年,与前几年的所有学习都在教室进行相比,奥林匹克山小学聘请了更多的远程志愿导师. 西雅图卓越学校的工作人员创造了有针对性的志愿者机会,帮助推进学校的持续改进计划(C-SIP)。. 志愿者项目联络员Danielle Vaillancourt将志愿者与学生进行匹配,以确保他们的志愿服务能够推进学校的战略目标。

Goal # 1: Improve 3rd-grade reading levels for Black boys and Spanish-speaking English Learners.

志愿者根据他们的阅读支持经验融入课堂,提供1-1个“学生”学术干预(针对性学生支持)。. Danielle Vaillancourt解释道:

“The presence of a volunteer in and of itself is a big support to our staff and students. Allowing students more time in 1-1 sessions to process what they are learning, reading, 体验可以建立对自己和主题的信心,培养学习的趋势. Volunteers invest time in our students working through the difficult text, 发音, and explaining material in a way students can understand. This time creates a bond for the student and volunteer, and the student with the school. 当有色人种的学生感到被关注、被倾听和被支持时,他们专注于内容的能力会更强. Reading volunteers do more than support students in their reading; they help to build positive, strong, 以及强大的人类!”

Goal # 2: Improve attendance among 3rd-grade Black boys and Spanish-speaking English Learners. 志愿者通过参与与学生的“检查和联系”,帮助创造一个温暖和欢迎的环境.

“志愿者不仅仅是导师、干预者、课堂支持和一双手. Volunteers contribute to a school’s overall environment and culture, and they help broaden and diversify community connections our students experience. 当志愿者与我们的学生建立融洽的关系, they begin to look forward to school because multiple caring individuals wait to see them, 倾听他们, 并帮助他们成功. 对学习有兴趣, 你不在的时候,却听到有人想念你, and genuinely enjoying school all encourage student attendance.”



在大流行早期,在线学习开始了, SPS迅速创建了家庭技术支持中心,为远离教育公正的学生提供支持. 与大海合作.citi and with financial support from the Alliance for Education, 我们动员了140名志愿者, 包括SPS家庭, 社区支持者, 而科技行业总共派出了超过2名,500个电话,投入超过1个,让学生接触科技. In just eight weeks, 750 SPS families received volunteer tech support for their in-home devices.

SPS家庭技术支持中心志愿者Shiva Thudi是大流行早期远程志愿者的核心小组之一,帮助SPS学生连接到在线教室.


Volunteer parent and her children taking groceries from the car

Kristina, pictured here with her children and 奥运会的看法 staff member Claudio, 为生活在遭受虐待的聋人和听力障碍幸存者收容所的粮食不安全家庭提供每日学校膳食. Kristina is a super volunteer – she has been an active member of the PTA for many years, 包括担任PTA董事会主席, and is currently serving on the 奥运会的看法’s Racial Equity Team. As a registered nurse, she also volunteered at the Lumen Field as a vaccinator.

Briana Del Rosario,大学志愿者


The University of Washington’s Riverways Education Partnerships recruits amazing volunteers to support our Title I schools. This year, Briana Del Rosario正在接受奥林匹克山小学员工颁发的“哈士奇奖”. 她于2020年10月开始在SPS辅导,因为她希望在在线教育期间帮助老师. 她在Mrs. Baumgarten‘s classroom and shared the following: “Briana’s warmth, 平静的魅力, 迷人的连通性, and ways of deepening student knowledge have made our class a better place. 文化和人际关系, 我的讲西班牙语的学生和有色人种的学生都认同布里安娜,并深深钦佩她作为一名科学家和一般的榜样.  她创造了一种安全感和好奇心,并向他们介绍了新的想法和思维方式. 和我们的学生在一起之后, 布里安娜决定成为一名SPS教师,并被西雅图教师实习计划录取!“Briana致力于通过社会正义的视角来实现教育公平. 

Danielle Pulliam,社区志愿者


丹妮尔自愿提供了她作为一名前教育家的时间和经验,并热情地同意承担额外的项目,帮助学生获得他们所需要的爱和支持. Danielle is very patient, reliable, and knowledgeable in leading reading groups for students. 她也很善良和热心. She instills comfort in students by harnessing positive relationships, 问问题时的自信, 还有上课的兴奋. 她的支持为学生提供了更多的1-1和小组服务,确保更多的家庭能够获得物资和食物, and has helped to bridge the equity gap in remote learning.

丹妮尔分享了她的经历:“我被激励去做志愿者,因为我无法想象在这个不寻常的时期教书,我想支持我们的老师在大流行期间为促进教育公正所做的令人难以置信的工作. The most challenging barrier was ironing out the technology kinks for remote volunteering, 一旦这些都平滑了, 学生们正在读书。, 分享想法, 和坚持.  这一经历丰富了我的生活,我鼓励其他社区成员在大流行期间出于使命感志愿服务.

和我一起读书的幼儿园和一年级的学生都很聪明,也很有见地,这让我的志愿者经历很有收获.  奥林匹克山的老师和工作人员都很支持和耐心,这使得远程志愿服务很容易.”


In 2017, Matt Jamin和他在西雅图世界学校的长期志愿者同事们成立了一个基金,以填补其他学校的PTSAs在实地考察方面的空白, technology, 和课外活动. The COVID pandemic hit immigrant and refugee communities especially hard, so 西雅图世界学校基金 tripled its fundraising efforts to directly assist families with rent and groceries. 尽管有这些额外的努力, 整个学年,马特继续在数学教室做远程志愿者,为来自世界各地的初高中学生在新国家定居提供支持. 

Anela Deisler,家长志愿者

阿妮拉是奥林匹克山小学一年级学生的家长, 参加了家长会吗, 并支持员工, families, and students in our school community at every opportunity she gets. Anela centers the well-being of children in everything she does – she has a humble, kind, 关心她的方式和积极进取的精神. 今年,她在社会公正课程委员会工作,帮助制定和支持反种族主义课程, 面向全体学生的社会正义课程. 作为一名合格的教师,她为这项工作贡献了她的技能、专业知识和精力. It means so much to have a parent from the community be a partner and advocate for this work, and it truly makes a difference in the lives and development of our students. Anela also helps with the distribution of supplies for all our students. 她和其他人一起制作学习用品袋,每个月给我们所有的家庭取一次. 这一行动支持了我们学校的每一个孩子, 帮助他们感受到关心和联系, and helps with the activities they will be doing in online classes every day. When asking Anela for the support you are always received with a positive, proactive, 组织能源!

小学老师南希·史密斯这样评价安吉拉:“她具有促进全校合作和联系的全球视野. 阿妮拉所做的工作鼓舞了孩子们, families, and staff, and always makes a positive contribution to our community.”